- FTIR is used for material evaluation, identification of chemical composition, failure analysis, adhesive performance, homogeneity of the material.
Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy is a technique to identify the functional groups present in organic samples. The molecules in the sample absorb infrared energy (mid- and near-infrared energy) at specific frequencies, some re-radiated and a plot of absorbance or transmission spectra of intensity of infrared energy vs wavenumber is obtained. Materials are identified based on the infrared energy peaks that are unique for each molecule as it’s the chemical footprint of that molecule. The spectrum is then compared with IR-spectrum libraries. It allows quick analysis of the samples with very little specimen preparation. Attenuated Total Reflectance (ATR) is used to study the surface of the samples in transmission mode and it’s more useful to scan the surface than the bulk as it penetrates to a depth of 1-2 microns.
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