
Training in English for better communication

What you will learn:

  • 1. Basic and advanced English for better communication.
  • 2. Know-how of grammatical errors, rephrasing and para-phrasing.
  • 3. Get trained from certified national and international experts.
  • 4. We train you to write a grammatically correct paper!

Course Introduction: The course details about the basic grammar exercises which needs to be thoroughly revised for a better art of communication. This course will include all the beginner level exercises related to grammar topics.

Course Module

Module 1

  • Parts of sentence
  • Types of sentences
  • The verbs
  • Primary auxiliaries
  • Modal auxiliaries
Course Module

Module 3

  • Word formation
  • Punctuation & spelling
  • Nouns
  • Pronouns
  • Adjectives
Course Module

Module 2

  • Negative sentences
  • Interrogative sentences
  • Tenses: form and uses
  • The passive voice
  • Reported speech
Course Module

Module 4

  • Adverbs
  • Prepositions
  • Conjunctions
  • Interjections
  • Articles